Client: Secretaria de Estado da Casa Civil do Rio de Janeiro
Support for the digital transformation strategy in the relationship between 86 executive branch agencies of the State of Rio de Janeiro and their interested public - citizens and public servants - through process mapping, optimization, development, and implementation of a 100% Digital solution for this objective, as well as the implementation of a tool to control process performance through KPIs and the creation of portals for information publication, ensuring TRANSPARENCY and PUBLICITY of their results.
Efficiency of public services;
Elimination of raw material waste;
Transparency for citizens;
Automatic collection of performance indicators (KPIs);
Continuous process improvement;
Estimated savings of $26 million per year through raw material reduction and increased operational efficiency.

Client: INEA Instituto Estadual do Ambiente RJ
Support for the digital transformation strategy in the relationship between INEA and its interested public - individuals and companies - in ENVIRONMENTAL LICENSING throughout the State of Rio de Janeiro, through process mapping, optimization, development, and implementation of a 100% Digital solution for this objective, as well as the implementation of a tool to control process performance through KPIs and the creation of portals making INEA a reference in information publication, ensuring TRANSPARENCY and PUBLICITY of their results.
Over 85% of processes executed in less than 30 days, previously taking up to 2 years;
Automatic collection of performance indicators (KPIs);
Continuous process improvement;
Real-time process visibility;
Over 4,000 companies served per year;
Transparency for citizens;
Efficiency of public services.

Client: Rioprevidência
Support for the digital transformation strategy in the relationship between Rioprevidência and its interested public - all retired and pensioned civil servants of the State of Rio de Janeiro - in the ELIGIBILITY and MAINTENANCE of benefits through process mapping, optimization, development, and implementation of a 100% Digital solution for this objective.
Processes that previously took 15 to 30 days now completed in 30 minutes;
Reduction of $350K per month due to the elimination of raw materials and operational efficiency;
Reduction of $250 million annually due to fraud detection through data analysis using Analytics.

Client: Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo - JUCESP
Support for the digital transformation strategy in the relationship between JUCESP and its interested public in the REGISTRATION and LICENSING of new companies through process mapping, optimization, development, and implementation of a 100% Digital solution for this objective. Integration with the systems of various agencies: Fire Department, Sanitary Surveillance, State Environment Company (Cetesb), and Federal Revenue to generate the CNPJ - National Corporate Taxpayer Registry.
Increased efficiency in the creation, modification, and dissolution of companies;
Interested parties now have a single point of contact for starting and managing companies;
Licensing time reduced from 100 to up to 5 days;
Available to 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo;
Over 14 million processes per year.

Client: Banco Votorantim
Process mapping and optimization with the implementation of a Process Office, enabling the client to carry out process mapping and modeling, as well as the implementation of a tool to control process performance through KPIs.
More than 35 processes implemented;
Automatic collection of performance indicators (KPIs);
Real-time process visibility;
Agility in continuous process improvement.

Client: Banco Original
mplementation and migration of a content management platform, conducting the entire process of exporting and importing documents from the legacy repository, with a volume of 50 million documents (20TB), in addition to developing all integrations with legacy systems.
Increased operational efficiency and service agility;
45% improvement in response times compared to the previous solution;
Integration time for credit card statement data reduced from 8 hours to just 1 hour;
File processing volume increased from 6,000 documents to 46,000 within 1 hour;
Service execution time reduced by 25%.

Client: Banco Pan S.A.
Cloud-based solution with a unified interface for managing client processes and corporate documents. Implemented processes include contract cession and repurchase, notice of claims, among others. Migrated the entire document collection to a new repository, 75 million documents (50TB). Used an AI-based solution for quality processing of legacy documents (documents without signatures, missing personal documents, etc.).
Improved user experience through a more intuitive and functional document portal;
Better performance in operations;
Migration to a Cloud platform, reducing operational costs;
Reliability in information management;
Asynchronous batch processes migrated to real-time processes.

Client: Claro S.A.
Development of a content management platform and automation of the sales and registration process for new customers in all client stores - all documentation captured and processed through the platform. Additionally, captured electronic invoice documents and integrated them with internal systems (SAP). Areas served: Finance, Corporate Sales, Human Resources, Legal, Regulatory, Engineering, Technical Services, and Contract Management.
Improved customer experience through a more intuitive and functional platform;
Increased operational efficiency and service effectiveness.

Client: Vivo S.A.
Development of an intranet portal for the call center area with a collaborative profile. Content update based on workflows for elaboration, revision, editing, and publication approval.
Content available for customer service updated and reflecting operational demands;
Increased customer retention rate;
Tactical and operational alignment with customer service.

Client: CSN
Creation of the document repository for CSN's legal department and subsidiaries, allowing documents to be shared securely and efficiently with external law firms through customized workflows, with all storage done in a centralized repository.
Agility and accuracy in the relationship between CSN and law firms;
Preservation of copyright - controlled access to third parties.

Client: Hospital Santa Paula
Development of cloud integrations for processes between hospital units and health operators such as: Surgical Authorization, Scheduling Confirmation, SADT (Support and Diagnosis Therapeutic Services), Hospitalization Extension, among others.
End-to-end connected integration processes;
Centralized management.

Client: Notre Dame Intermédica
Implementation of a Hospital ERP with the integration of key services with legacy systems, such as: Entry and Exit of Materials and Medications; Data on hospitalizations and discharges; Data on hospital billing; Querying data from the assisted preventive medicine program; Patient registration consultation; Utilization statement; Consultation of service locations and available doctors by specialty; Information on consultations conducted at various Clinical Centers.
Hospital ERP implemented within the established timeframe and integrated with all legacy systems;
Services reused by different interfaces, load routines, and coexistence interfaces with the old hospital ERP;
Reliable and manageable interfaces.

Client: VisãoPrev
The client is responsible for managing the pension plans of the Telefônica Group, and we carried out the digital transformation in its relationship with its participants through process mapping, redefinition, and the implementation of an automated solution for the entire process of servicing its participants and stakeholders.
Improved customer experience through a more intuitive and functional platform;
75% reduction in local service;
Total request service time reduced by an average of 40%.

Client: STP Sem Parar
Development of various projects over more than 15 years of partnership. We have a full team of specialists allocated in a Squad model using agile methods at the relevant stages, responsible for analyzing, developing, and supporting products and tools to accelerate the innovation process and generate value for the client.
Business value delivered in a short time frame;
Efficiency in project cost management;
Reduced turnover;
Improved employee skills;
Customized training and development programs.